Buchanan County Public Library

Welcome to the resource page for our new Adventure Backpack collection! Below you will find information about the contents of each themed bag and links to recommended websites for more exploration on your own. The backpacks check out one per household for one week at a time. Use the equipment and the books and keep the activities and crafts you complete.


Birdwatching Backpack

This is the birdwatching backpack.

This backpack was designed to help you observe, identify and enjoy the birds we see every day. The backpack includes a Pankoo high-power Monocular scope (with stand and phone holder), kids binoculars, a Naturalist Backyard Birds of North America pocket guide, and three books to get you started. Return the items listed above in one week but keep the included crafts, activities, and hopefully a new appreciation for the birds around us.

More Resources

Virginia DWR Mountain Bird & Wildlife Trail

Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources interactive map highlights miles of trails close to Buchanan County and all around the state.

Audubon For Kids

One of the oldest conservation societies in North America, the National Audubon Society began in 1905. This section of their website is filled with educational resources and fun activities for kids of all ages.



Bugs & Insects Backpack

This is the Bugs & Insects Backpack.

Are you ready to learn more about the bugs and insects that share our spaces? Check out the Bugs & Insects Backpack for one week and take a closer look at the minuscule spider hanging in your doorway. The backpack includes a portable digital microscope, six specimen set with magnifying glass, an easy catch net, a pop-up port-a-bug cage, Bugs & Slugs field guide and four books.

More Resources

Department of Entomology at VA Tech

Find a bug you can’t identify? Ask an expect in the Department of Entomology at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Entomology Today

Brought to you have the Entomological Society of America this website includes many printable crafts and activities for more bug related fun!


Fishing Backpack

This is the Fishing Backpack.

It is never too early to foster a lifelong love of fishing. The Fishing Backpack includes a Milerong Fishing pole kit with rod, fishing line, box of lures and hooks in a blue camo bag, extendable stick rod holder, Freshwater Fishes pocket guide and four fishing themed books.

More Resources

Obtaining a Virginia Fishing License

Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources information on obtaining a fishing license. FYI: Children under 16 years of age are not required to have a fishing or trout license in the state.

Go Outdoors Virginia

Purchase Virginia fishing licenses or hunting permits online.


Geology Backpack

This is the Geology Backpack.

Learn more about the Earth, rocks and minerals with the Geology Backpack. The backpack includes a twenty piece mineral identification kit, a fifteen piece mineral science kit, a magnifying glass, safety goggles, safety glasses, and four topical books for a one week checkout.

More Resources

Virginia Energy Geology and Mineral Resources

Virginia’s Department of Engergy contains links to Virginia Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils plus an amazing Interactive Geologic Map.

National Park Service Geoscience Teaching Resources

Website contains lesson plans for geology related activities suited to different National Parks around the country. A few lessons are designed to be completed virtually.


Stargazing Backpack

This is the Stargazing Backpack.

Start your exploration of the night sky today. Backpack includes a TELMU Telescope with the stand, two eye pieces, and a phone holder. A crank or solar powered flashlight to help you find your way in the dark, a Night Sky pocket guide and four topical books are included for a one week checkout.  Instructions, activities, and crafts may be kept.

More Resources

NASA Science Space Place

National Aeronautic and Space Administration curated website with information, activities, and games suitable for a multitude of ages.

National Park Service Exploring Night Skies

The U.S. National Park Service website with tips on exploring the night sky, where to stargaze and a Junior Ranger Night Explorer activity booklet.

Virginia Living Museum Astronomy 

The Virginia Living Museum page for more resources related to astronomy.


Weather Backpack

This is the Weather Backpack.

Weather often dictates our daily activities.  Discover more about weather with this backpack that includes a 3D dolphin kite, plastic weather lab, weather pocket guide, and three topical books. The backpack checks out for one week and also includes crafts and activities the patron may keep.

More Resources

DK Findout! Weather

The perfect website to answer all of your weather-related questions.

NOAA for Kids

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration page for kids of ages is filled with activities and various resources.

National Weather Service

Weather Service curated links for Kids and Teens for even more information about all types of weather.

  • Hours

    Mon: 1pm-8pm
    Tues-Wed: 8:30am-5pm
    Thu: 8:30am-8pm
    Fri-Sat: 8:30am-5pm
    Sun: Closed

  • Get in touch


    Fax: 276-935-6292

    Email: sherry@bcplnet.org

  • Find us

    1185 Poe Town Street
    Grundy, VA 24614

This site is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. It is managed by the The Library of Virginia Library Development and Networking Division.