Buchanan County Public Library

Hot Spot Policy

In State Adult Buchanan County Public Library cardholders in good standing may check out a wireless hot spot from the library for a 7-day period.  Hot spots are limited to one per cardholder with no renewals.  There is a 24-hour wait period before the same cardholder may check out another hot spot.  After one week, the hot spot stops working.  If the hot spot device is not returned within 14 days or is damaged the patron is liable for a $125.00 replacement fee. Hot spots are circulated with a case containing a hot spot, charging cord, and directions.  All items carry an appropriate replacement fee, which will be determined based on current charges for these items.


*Library hot spots are wireless devices that allow the user to connect to the Verizon cell network.  They cannot connect reliably in areas that receive less than a two bar signal.*  These hot spots are designed for educational, employment, and informational purposes and comply with the Child Internet Protection Act, which limits access to information and images that they deem inappropriate for children. YouTube, Facebook, streaming services, and unfiltered email will be blocked. If you need access to these services, please call the library to discuss options.  By using this service, you are agreeing to abide by all Buchanan County Public Library Internet Policies including our acceptable use policy.  No library connection may be used for illegal or obscene purposes.


These devices can be used to download ebooks and audiobooks, search the internet, update personal equipment, apply for jobs and upload medical device information. Visit the library’s website at http://bcplnet.org  and click on Digital Library for information resources, ebooks, audiobooks and much more.


We assume no responsibility for the security, data files, or safety of equipment or information.  The wireless network is not secure.  Anyone with a wireless device and the appropriate software may be able to capture your information.

  • Hours

    Mon: 1pm-8pm
    Tues-Wed: 8:30am-5pm
    Thu: 8:30am-8pm
    Fri-Sat: 8:30am-5pm
    Sun: Closed

  • Get in touch


    Fax: 276-935-6292

    Email: sherry@bcplnet.org

  • Find us

    1185 Poe Town Street
    Grundy, VA 24614

This site is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. It is managed by the The Library of Virginia Library Development and Networking Division.